Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Horrors of North Korea

James Na, of, comments in the Seattle Times on "Kyeong-Sook Cha and Soon-Hee Ma, two defectors from North Korea, [who]testified for the House Committee on International Relations, and provided firsthand accounts of widespread tragedy occurring in the Sino-North Korean border areas."

The stories of abuse the two defectors suffered at the hands of North Korean and Chinese police are heartbreaking.

Unfortunately, Na notes, the congressional hearing in which they spoke took place on October 27th, when the "media in Washington, D.C., were in a feeding frenzy over the Harriet Miers withdrawal and the "Scooter" Libby indictments." As a result, "Cha's and Ma's tragic stories were ignored."

Moreover, even though the Congress passed the North Korea Human Rights Act in 2004, providing assistance for North Korean defectors, "the State Department has been "seriously out of step with the spirit and letter" of the act, and "not a single North Korean refugee has been assisted"

All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

To do something, support the Defense Forum Foundation and North Korea Freedom Coalition.

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